A lack of light, whether artificial or natural, can make the interior of your house look—and feel—dim and drab. Having a bright, happy-looking home isn’t just a better look. Making light the focal point of your design is a great way to boost your mood, because it can increase the amount of Vitamin D that you’re getting on any given day. It’s not always easy to maximize the amount of brightness in your home, however. You can have windows, lamps, and candles everywhere and still not feel like your home is as bright as you’d like it to be. You might wonder: what are some quick, easy ways to brighten up a home that actually work? Here are some tips for brightening up your home that will leave you and your home feeling brilliant.

Give It a Fresh Coat of Paint

Does the room in question have plenty of windows and plenty of lamps, but still feels like it’s not bright enough? The culprit could be your furniture and walls. Using rich, dark colors is a great way to create a dramatic and mature feel in any room, but too much of these colors can make a room feel darker and closed-off. The best way to make your home feel brighter is by opting for lighter-colored walls and furniture. You can paint your walls exclusively or match the trim for added brightness. Swapping out or painting your furniture is another fantastic option if you want the room to feel fresh, airy, and inviting.

Rearrange the Furniture

When was the last time you rearranged your furniture? If your answer is something along the lines of “a long time ago,” it might be time to consider a makeover. Rearranging your furniture is a simple, cost-free way to brighten up your home. By creating a layout that centers around the windows, you can bring more natural light into the room. You’ll want to keep the area by your windows as open and airy as possible. Avoid blocking them with bulky furniture, covering them up with curtains, or doing anything else that can inhibit their ability to let the sunshine in.

Make Use of Mirrors

Another tip for brightening up your home is to make use of mirrors. Including a mirror (or multiple) into your design has two benefits. You get to admire yourself wherever you go, and the reflective quality of the mirror will bounce light around the room. Mirrors are great for rooms that don’t get a lot of natural light. This is because mirrors will maximize what light the room has by reflecting it and making sure it reaches even the darkest corners.