So, you are one month into the New Year, and you are really starting to get into a groove when it comes to your workout routine. If you are someone that loves to regularly participate in high intensity interval training (HIIT) classes, then you know the benefits all too well – strengthening your muscles, losing weight, improving your heart health, and more!

HIIT workouts can be extremely intense and leave you short of breath with shaky muscles. After finishing a HIIT workout, you should feel super accomplished, and you want to ensure that all the hard work that you have put in does not go to waste. That is why it is key to make sure that you are taking the necessary steps to recover properly and get the best impact on your results.

Check out some ways that you should recover after you complete a HIIT workout:

How to Recover from HIIT Workouts


Hydration for HIIT workoutsHydrating is always key to keeping up with your health, but especially after a high-intensity workout.

In addition to quenching your thirst, hydrating will replenish the fluids that you sweat out, keeping you from the potential of becoming dehydrated. Not only are you losing fluids during your workout, but you are also losing electrolytes, which is why it is always smart to incorporate electrolytes post-workout to help regulate your muscle function, rebuild muscle tissue as well as balance out your blood pressure.

Be sure to stay away from drinks that are overly sugary, though!  


Stretch it out.

Stretching for HIIT workoutsStretching feels great and also has outstanding benefits when it comes to recovering from a workout. Getting a good stretch in after your high-intensity workout will help your muscles to recover and will also help you to avoid feeling stiff and/or sore later that day, as well as the following days.

There are tons of different types of stretches that you can incorporate into your routine, including dynamic and static stretches – all depending on what works best for you personally and what your body needs. Make sure to touch on all muscle groups that you trained in that specific workout. And of course, do not forget to warm up before a workout to avoid injury.


Get in active recovery.

Yoga for recoveryIn addition to stretching, make sure that you are incorporating some active recovery in as well. This is perfect for those who are more seasoned with high-intensity workouts and are not extremely and painfully sore after one!

Active recovery is extremely beneficial and can include anything that is low-intensity and does not require as much effort as a high-intensity session.

Some examples of active recovery can include an incline walk, a barre class, or a yoga class, which can also double as your stretching session!


Eat your protein and carbs.

Peanut butter for HIIT recoveryAfter finishing your workout, loading up on protein and carbs will help to replenish your body while simultaneously avoiding losing any muscle mass.

Whether you choose to indulge in foods or liquids, protein and carbs after a workout will help you to recover and garner better results.

Some great options for after a HIIT workout can include:

  • protein shakes
  • yogurt
  • a peanut butter sandwich
  • rice cakes
  • or a protein bar!

Get enough sleep.

Sleeping for recoveryAs if we needed another reason to sleep more – here it is!

As your body is repairing itself after the high-intensity workout, you want to ensure that you are giving your body ample time to rest throughout the recovery process.

Make an effort to try and get at least six hours of sleep a night, this way your muscles can recover from the stress and grow stronger.

A lack of sleep can cause you to become sorer, feel pain in your joints, become stiffer, and can even cause headaches.