Since you are stuck at home and may be looking for ways to get ahead on your spring clean-up, now is the perfect time to begin preparing for your lawn in the spring. There are several different steps that you should take to make sure that your lawn is in tip-top shape for when we are fully into the warmer weather. Here are some tips for getting started: 

  • Clean your yard. The first step is to make sure that you are clearing out any leaves, twigs or debris that have accumulated on your yard over the winter months. For this, you can use a rake, air blower or even recruit your kids to help out as well! 
  • Apply fertilizer. Once your yard is clear, now it is time to apply the fertilizer. It is important that you do not skip this step as it is when your grass gets fed, which will in turn allow for it to grow nice, green and healthy.
  • Apply weed killer where necessary. If you notice any weeds growing on your landscape, apply weed killer immediately. You do not want to let crabgrass come up, or it will be nearly impossible to remove throughout the spring and summer season. Avoid it from the start with weed killer.
  • Mow regularly. To keep up with your lawn, make sure you are mowing it regularly so that it does not overgrow and stays as healthy as possible.