With COVID-19 concerns still abound, property sellers can take full advantage of virtual open houses instead of in-person meetings. Plus, after cleaning up a property for sellers, having strangers track in mud, dirt, and other unwanted materials is never ideal. However, you shouldn’t conduct a virtual open house without the right preparation. Even if you’re not a tech expert, using these three tips to create a virtual open house will help you show a beautiful property in the best light.

Conduct Test Runs

Even if your home or apartment looks impeccable, a poor lighting setup or camera angle can make the property appear dull. Before the big day arrives, conduct test runs with your video gear, whether it’s your phone or a separate camera. That way, you can perfectly optimize the property for virtual visitors.

For instance, if you feel the home is looking too dark, open up the blinds and let the sunlight in. Opening up the blinds and letting sunlight flow is a great way to make the property look warm and welcoming. On the other hand, if you have adjustable light dimmers, play around with the settings to find a perfect arrangement. Likewise, test runs give you a chance to find the right angles to present each room, optimizing space and décor along with the lighting.

Stage Every Room

Staging is a proven industry method of moving properties off the market quickly. Even if your buyers are only appearing virtually, you should still stage the property to ensure it looks clean, serene, and ready for new occupants. The reason staging is crucial for spaces is because of the depersonalizing and decluttering it involves.

Although “blank slate” might sound bland, depersonalizing correctly balances the stylistic neutrality with visual appeal and atmosphere. The key is to follow the standard depersonalizing tips for home sellers and hire a professional stager. In doing so, you can create a beautifully blank slate for buyers to build their own vision on. It might sound like a tough tightrope to walk but having an expert with you will help achieve the right balance.

Answer Any Questions

One of the most important tips to create a virtual open house is engaging with questions. Whether you’re providing virtual tours to one or more different buyers, don’t forget to engage with any questions attendees have.

Depending on the virtual platform you’re streaming from, there are different ways to allow questions. You can ask attendees to type questions in a chatroom so you can read and answer them periodically. On the other hand, you can allow buyers to ask questions via microphones throughout the tour. Either method is effective, but your choice depends on platform capabilities and personal preference.