The tap water we use for drinking, cooking, and bathing often originates from aquifers or surface water sources like lakes, rivers, and streams. Unfortunately, this water historically includes harmful contaminants. Read on for some of the most compelling reasons to get your home water tested for contaminants.


Additionally, bacteria may skulk around in our water. Warm water bodies frequently include bacteria like E. coli, pneumophila, and salmonella, which are harmful due to their rapid development and ability to spread. Some of the best ways to ensure that your water is free of bacteria is to install a water filtration system in the form of a reverse osmosis or UV filtration system. Just make sure you choose the right filter for the contaminants you are seeing.


Sadly, due to people incorrectly discarding their unused prescription medications, our water supply is overrun with pharmaceuticals. Endocrine disrupting substances and other uncontrolled pharmaceutical pollutants found in water can cause malignant tumors, birth abnormalities, and other developmental issues.


Parasites called protozoa are widespread around the world and can be found in our water systems. They are prevalent in big cities and are spread through human and animal excrement. Giardiasis and gastrointestinal disorders are some of the deadliest illnesses that may be contracted from protozoa.


Freshwater habitats like lakes and streams are where Legionella naturally occurs, and it may propagate through our rivers and streams. In actuality, the Legionella pneumophila bacteria in our pipes are to blame for 99 percent of Legionnaire outbreaks in the United States. Shortness of breath, diarrhea, chest discomfort, and fever are all symptoms of legionella.

We hope you have enjoyed our recap of some of the top reasons to get your home tested for contaminants. If you are seeing these contaminants anywhere near your water, be sure to install a whole home water filter as soon as possible to preserve your health.